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Dunkers 2

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5.8 k downloads

Slam dunk and break the backboard

Older versions of Dunkers 2

If you are having problems with the latest version of Dunkers 2 due to incompatibilities or errors on your device, Uptodown has the perfect solution. In the previous version history of Dunkers 2 for Android, you can download older versions for free. This repository includes multiple versions supported by different Android architectures, ensuring that you find the most suitable version for your device. While the developer works on fixing bugs in the latest update, here you will find previous Dunkers 2 versions that may solve the performance issues you are facing.
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apk 4.5 Android + 5.1 Jun 27, 2023
apk 4.5 Android + 7.1 Apr 22, 2023
apk 4.5 Android + 7.1 Sep 29, 2022
apk 4.9 Android + 7.1 May 26, 2022
apk 1.6 Android + 4.4 Mar 30, 2021
apk 1.6 Android + 4.4 Apr 5, 2019
apk 1.5 Android + 2.3.3, 2.3.4 Feb 22, 2019
apk 1.5 Android + 4.4 Jun 17, 2024